Psi Upsilon Omega Chapter
Psi Upsilon Omega
The vision to establish a chapter in Henderson, NV can be traced back to early 2007. In 2011, a small group of Alpha Kappa Alpha women residing in Henderson, Nevada sought to expand the Sorority's presence in southern Nevada. Desiring to focus on serving the community and youth residing in Henderson, these women set out on the tedious task of identifying other Alpha Kappa Alpha women wishing to reconnect with the Sorority. Through the loving and sisterly work of a few, more Alpha Kappa Alpha women were reconnected or reclaimed. Together, they set out on the quest of becoming the second Alpha Kappa Alpha graduate chapter in the state of Nevada and Las Vegas Valley.
Taking on the identifier, The Pearls of Henderson, the group received official interest group status on March 13, 2012. On Saturday, December 14, 2013, The Pearls of Henderson, a group of twenty-nine women became an official graduate chapter. Soror Lisa Morris Hibbler was elected to lead the new chapter as president. Psi Upsilon Omega is the first chapter established by Far Western Regional Director, Soror Barbara Denson Trotter, and the second graduate chapter in the State of Nevada in nearly 50 years.
Chartered December 14, 2013
Charter Members
Harriet E. Barlow**+
Samira Barlow
Robi Burns*
Florence D. Carter* (IBTW)
Sybil-Roxanne Clemons*
Dorothy Cowan**
Katrina Dunn
Audrian Galbert
Iva Harris*+
Lisa Morris Hibbler*+
Ardell Jackson**+ (IBTW)
Cassandra Johnson*
Dena Jones
JoElla Julien**+ (IBTW)
Cashia DeVane Kearney
Calisha Kelley
Tamela Ketchmore* (IBTW)
Rosa McNair**+
Semilla Neal
Damika Parker
Mona Lisa Paulo*
Evelyn Portis-Sutton*
Zephanye Sistrunk*
Edna States*
Monica Taylor
Betty Thomas-Orr*+
Ashley Tisdale
Kimberly Toldson
Stacey Youngblood*+
* 25+ Year Member
** 50+ Year Member
+ Life Member
IBTW - Deceased
Chapter Presidents
Keesha A. Davis: Current
Zephanye Sistrunk: 2021 -2024
Cashia DeVane Kearney: 2019 - 2020
Harriet E. Barlow: 2017 - 18
Stacey Youngblood: 2016
Lisa Morris Hibbler: Chartering President; 2013 - 15