Psi Upsilon Omega Chapter
Support the AKA
Educational advancement foundation
The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® Educational Advancement Foundation was founded in 1980. Through the generosity of friends, corporate and community supporters and people like you, EAF contributions make it possible for individuals from all over the world and walks of life to complete a program of study, obtain seed money to transform an idea into a reality, or start or complete a research project. Your donations to the Educational Advancement Foundation also support community service organizations and community service projects which target the communities in which we serve, including volunteer programs related to scholarship and academic pursuits. Making a difference would not be possible without the commitment and volunteer efforts of the Educational Advancement Foundation’s donors and contributors.
Each year, Psi Upsilon Omega contributes to the Educational Advancement Foundation. We invite you to become our partner in assisting EAF to continue to support our communities.